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How do you unlock the 5th item? I've punched, slapped, whipped and vibrated everything I can find but the 5th is still locked.

Hey man can you upload a walkthrough or something,for the life of me i can't find a single clip of this game online, and its insane how with literally nothing on screen you are always spotted. I reach the cat, using the same way, and always either while procing the cat or a little further it always resets, no matter if i wait, if i rush, which side i am walking on. It is so frustrating as it has 0 explanation

Really? Congrats to be so smart and pass the dog, and I really don't have idea why you cant reach the next screen, I'm sorry but my computer lost the original project so I cant access to give you what you deserved.


why the schoolgirl outfit? it's weird as fuck.



no matter what i do i cant do anything

Probaly this a simple bug, if you specify I can solve this for you, and I'm sorry for any problem.


Sorry, but I was pretty disappointed by this one. Honestly I liked the stealth part, it was a bit hard but it was fun stalking the girl, but when you finally catch her there's no fanfare or anything it just takes you right to the torture screen. I was really hoping I'd have to drag her to my lair or something but no. And the actual torture screen was also pretty disappointing. Come on, no sound effects for anything but the girl and the vibrator?! Put in like a whip crack, a slap, a punching noise, just something to give any weight to hitting her! It really doesn't feel like I'm punching her, it feels like I'm clicking and wounds are appearing, you need something to know that I am inflicting them. And I wish the girl had more reactions, like throw in some text, have her beg for mercy, something! Like for a game called punching bag girls it really doesn't deliver on the feeling of making her a punching bag. I hope you keep making these, the art is good and there aren't that many games like this, but in it's present state it really just isn't worth it


Yeah, This Project was a big mistake but at the same time a big lesson, I start work thinking that I would make a simple but complete project...

 And then I finish realised that this is just torture...

 But I'm really glad that you like the Stealth part:)

 I'm trying to improve my art and skills in geral, to work in something that really makes me feel happy.

I will make my best to take a time and improve this one, Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for the feedback.

 This is the best feedback that I received in something Lol.

Im Really thankful.


Keep at it! This idea has a lot of potential and I hope you take another crack at it! I'm excited to see your next project!


Love U man, I'm doping my best!!

Hi! Just wanted to check in, see if you were still working on stuff. 

I'm trying, but I think the world war III explode and i don't make a next one🤣

Hey man can you guide me how you managed to do the stalking part, furthest i reach is the cat, and no matter what i do there it always resets

You have a time to reach the girl, just the most brave stalkers have reach her in time, sorry but I lost the original project, maybe I make a sequel or a remake

Deleted 2 years ago

I'll check the reason, thanks for the feedback


1° Try to keep a distance without losing sight for too long.

  2° You can only be discovered if you are seen by something or someone besides her.

 3° Use the cat to get rid of the dog.

 4° The moment of attack is in a vertical street with light poles on both sides, after the dog, if it is not instinctively attacked in that place, the reset will be executed.

(If that doesn't solve your problem, I'll update to a more instructive version.)

Wow, I was so smart and dedicated, love you myself.